Benefits of CPG for CSS: CO2GeoNet Open Forum and EGU

Following EGU in Vienna, where the CPG consortium presented ongoing research on the techno-economics, technology de-risking, and comparisons of emerging CO2-based geothermal technologies, our next conference is already on the horizon: the CO2GeoNet Open Forum in Venice. There we will present the benefits of CPG for CCS.

For instance, CPG has the potential to improve an underlying CCS project by:
– Increasing the amount of CO2 permanently stored and/or reducing its pressure, by taking the heat out of the subsurface as a service
– Increasing the sweep / control over CO2 in the underground
– Flexibility of converting producers to injector wells: reducing capex
– Public support: CO2 is more than just waste – communities can benefit

The full Open Forum presentation (13 minutes) is available here:

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